Need help to achieve your personal and organizational? I use an array of communication skills to provide coaching services that give you the tools for success. In addition to 1-on-1 coaching session, I offer consulting and customized programs (training, workshop, webinar content, podcast content, online master course) based on your own goals and needs.
High Performance Coaching
Discover Your Passion and Dream Career
Bring Your Career and Business Potential to Next Level
Find Out Your "Ikigai" to Pursue True Happiness
With my 1:1 coaching package (Career, Business Leadership, and Life), you’ll get the following:
30-minutes discovery call
One private 1-hour initial session to set-up your coaching goals
Four private 1-hour coaching sessions
All 1:1 coaching sessions are conducted via zoom
For Career Coaching, I offer several packages:
Early Career Package
This package is suitable for for fresh graduate students and young professionals with 1-3 years working experience who would find dream job based on their passion, interests and reach managerial position within short period of time.
Mid Career Package
This package is suitable for professionals with 5-15 years of working experience who aspires to reach top-management position or switch their career.
Career Transition Package
This package is suitable for professionals who face disrupt changes such as organization restructuring, Merger & Acquisition (M&A), etc.
Retirement Package
This package is suitable for professionals who would prepare their retirement period.
Note: You will get additional two sessions with experienced Financial Planner to help you manage financial situation.
For Business Leadership Coaching, the package is suitable for start-up founder, business owner, and CEO to clarify their visions and transform their leadership skills to create positive impact for their business. Example Portfolio: Leadership Development Program - Business Coaching at PLN (Partnership with SBM-ITB)
For Life Coaching, the package is suitable for those who would find clarity about their life (e.g marriage, love, etc) and adopt the right mindset to pursue happiness.
When you work with me, I will:
help you to set-up your goals
help you to gain clarity and self-awareness
help you to know your vision
provide tips to achieve your goals
motivate you to develop action plan and execute it
If you want to unleash your potential in career, business leadership, and life, let's work together.
Corporate Training and Workshops
Invest in Your Employees to Transform Your Organization
I have been working with corporations, start-ups, non-profits, and other organizations to provide custom training and workshops based on organization's unique goals and needs. Through my training and workshop, I create change by engaging your employees in experiential learning program. At the end of program, your employees will adopt different mindset and behavior that are necessary for your transformation agenda.
My previous portfolio includes:
"How to Craft Your Own Career Breakthrough”, Client: BTPN
"Embracing Change", Client: BRI (Collaborating with DDI)
"Molding Yourself into a Leader", Client: Imajin
Strategy Business Leader Program (Collaborating with BTS Asia Pacific), Client: One of the largest state-owned financial institution in Indonesia
BRI Future Leader Program (Collaborating with DDI), Client: BRI
Leadership Development Program for Supervisory and Entry Level (Collaborating with FAME Consultant), Client: Bank Central Asia (BCA)
"GOLDEN" Leadership Workshop Program, "Mastering Effective Communication in times of Uncertainty", Client: SKK Jewel
LEAD Bootcamp - Foundation of Business Strategy, Strategy and Industrial Analysis, Sustainability, Client: Gunung Sewu Group
Blended Learning - Sustainability, Client: Gunung Sewu Group
Sustainability Workshop, Client: Gunung Sewu Group
Time Management to Increase Productivity, Client: ORIX Finance
Sales Force Effectiveness, Client: Markplus Institute
Trainer Certification - Preparing Training Content, Client: Markplus Institute
Sustainability Strategy in Digital Marketing, Client: Binus University
Sustainability Governance at Family Business, Client: IPMI Business School
Secret Recipe of Becoming an Effective Leader, Client: ECHO - Prasetiya Mulya University
Great Communication Skills to Pursue Your Dreams, Client: STIEBANK
"Public Speaking" Workshop, Leadership Workshop "How do I Become a Leader?" Client: BPK Penabur Jakarta
"Business Model Canvas", Client: Penabur International Jakarta
"Professional CV Creation", Client: London School of Public Relations (LSPR) Jakarta
If you want your employees to have different mindset and become better leader or team player, let's discuss.
Business Consulting
Sharpen business strategy and bring it to the next level
I have been working with various clients starting from consumer goods, automotive, government, telecommunication, and resources to sharpen their business strategies and transform their operation to achieve world class performance.
My key expertise as follow:
Corporate Strategy
Environmental Social Governance (ESG)/Sustainability (Partnership with Cendekia Iklim Indonesia)
Market-Entry Strategy
Project Management
Corporate Finance
Change Management
Organization Design
Business Transformation
Let's talk to discuss more to bring your organization to the next level.
Motivational Session
Inspire People through Insightful and Motivational Speech
Never underestimate the power of speech. It can inspire and motivate you. During my speech, I always prepare some simple tips and action plans that are easily implemented by the audience. In addition, I have been working with several communities either local or international as speaker for their podcast/webinar events and also moderator.
My previous portfolio includes:
Bank Indonesia - Kantor Wilayah Kalimantan Timur "Temu Responden 2022: Transformation of Human Resource & Work Culture: Better Preparation in Facing Business Challenges & Complexity"
Investment Club (IC) Conference - Prasetiya Mulya University: "Unpacking Indonesia's Sustainable Economic Outlook on Investment"
Career Days - Penabur Jababeka "Strategi Jitu Menggapai Mimpi"
FINFerence "Start-up Battlefield: Ready to Compete!"
ACTIVATE Camp - AIESEC: "Great Leaders Ignite Passion"
Webinar "Leaders Talk-Fujitsu JAIMS Foundation", Theme: "Knowledge Leadership in Times of Crisis"
Webinar "Hands on Business", Theme: "How to be High Performing Leader for Your Business"
Webinar "Ask Alumni 2.0 - MTI ITB", Theme: "Is pursuing MBA degree abroad really worth it?"
Webinar "Community Development-Prasetiya Mulya University", Theme: "Building the Right Mindset: Awal dari Segala Macam Kesuksesan"
Webinar "Community Development-Prasetiya Mulya University", Theme: "Bagaimana Cara Mengembangkan Bisnis UMKM dari segi SDM?"
Webinar "Community Development-Prasetiya Mulya University", Theme: "Jurus Jitu Membangun Bisnis dari Nol"
Webinar "Gerakan Tunas Bangsa", Theme: "Kiat Menjadi Pemimpin yang Sukses"
Webinar "Creating Brighter Future for our Children through Positive Collaboration",
Webinar BPK Penabur - Jababeka "Creating Brighter Future for our Children through Positive Collaboration"
Podcast "Ngobrol Dunia Kerja", Theme: "Top Potential Careers during and post-pandemic"
Podcast "4.30", Theme: "Finding Happiness through Your Career"
Podcast "Gudang Kerja", Theme: "Landing a Job during Pandemic"
If you want your audience have a life-changing experience that has positive impact on them, let's talk.
Online Master Course
Leverage your personal skill to achieve success
I have launched several online master courses (e.g Self-Leadership) to help you upgrade your personal skill to achieve success and pursue your dreams.
If you would invest for your success life, let's take a look.
Inspirational Books
Inspire people through personal story that I write
I have managed to write several books (co-authoring with other writers).
I really hope that I could inspire many people through personal story that I write
Some of best-selling books:
-"Mengendarai Pandemi dengan Empati"
-"Memoar menjadi Pribadi Transformation dan Inspiratif"
Are you interested with those books? Please contact me.